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Did you kid get their needles & drugs at school today?!
I’m being somewhat sarcastic here as I’m wanting to gauge what other schools may be getting this. My daughter is in grade 8 and we live on Vancouver Island! She had the option to get a kit with needles, and they practiced putting them into balloons.
Did you know schools are giving out overdose prevention response training and kits to our children at school? So, that if they are in a situation where there might be someone over-dosing they can use their training and their kit (which consists of a needle and medication) to help the person overdosing?
I have so many questions about this:
-who approved this?
-are all schools getting this?
-if a child uses this at a party on another child, who’s liability is in question?
-and the list goes on.
But the biggest question for me is: If schools feels it’s their responsibility to give this training and these kits to their students, where is the responsiblity to give the kids training and tools to understand why people are choosing to use in the first place? Perhaps, some training and tools on mental illness?
I’ve emailed to get answers from the School District and will share them once I find out more!
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