What Our Readers Are Saying
Amber taught me so much about myself and showed me my strengths and built my confidence. Amber’s encouragement made us all feel and believe that we could do anything we put our minds to. Amber went the extra mile to help each of us individually and genuinely cared about our future and wanted each and every one of us to be a success. I thank Amber for helping me discover my path in life and for having such a positive impact on my life and the life of many others I know. Amber is a caring, professional, energetic and genuine teacher. Amber is the definition of what an ideal "teacher" and "leader" should be; strong, intelligent, professional, helpful and determined. Thank you Amber for everything you have done for me, I greatly appreciate the role you had in helping me become the person and parent I am today.

Jennifer Carreiro
Former Student of Amber’s & Parent of a Toddler!
"I connected with Amber Scotchburn when we took a training course together. I watched her efficacy with her audience, all the while having a ton of fun doing it! She has helped many families through her dedication in the realm of supporting parents in the process of navigating the unpredictable waters of everyday life. I recommend Parenting…With A Twist. Amber has crested a fresh and truly effective concept and approach.”

Thomas Bahler
Author, Speaker, Music Producer & Parent/Grandparent
"Amber’s love for creating content that’s relevant and life changing and then packaging it in a way that makes sense, is apparent as one reads through Parenting…With A Twist. She brings to light many areas where the everyday parent can start to make an immediate difference in their child’s life and their own. I’ve seen Amber in action with her own children and know that she practices the very ideas that she is suggesting. She is the real deal!”

Colin Sprake
Author, Speaker, Trainer & Parent of Teenage Girls!
“Amber's book is an intricate tapestry that weaves together practical skillset, conscious parenting theory and her invaluable experience as both a parent and teacher. She empowers parents to cultivate, nurture and support success-ready children who will lead us all into a bright and hopeful future!"

Gina Hatzis
Speaker, Owner of Project Passion Intl, Host of Ignite A Life You Love Global Summit & Parent!
“If you want to be a great parent that raises amazing children who turn into incredible adults, Amber’s book and coaching programs are a must. Parenting is easy when it’s easy, but when your child acts out or goes through a challenging time, then you need better strategies, like those you can learn from Parenting...With a Twist. I know, because Amber helped me with my 7 year old son when he was acting out and I didn't know how to help him. Amber got us through what could have been the beginning of a slippery slope."

Croix Sather
Author, Speaker, Celebrity Runner & Parent!
“You’ve heard of the dog whisperer, I’ve just discovered the parenting whisperer, Amber Scotchburn. As a grandparent, I’ll use the twists from this book to help me during mealtimes, meltdowns and other tricky kid situations. Whether dealing with the terrible twos or arguing with a teenager, this book introduces tried and true methods, backed up by reputable research, gleaned from the author’s sixteen years as a parent and twenty as an educator. If you want to decrease stress in your family interactions while increasing love and goodwill, this is the book you need. Parenting…With a Twist will help you improve relationships, not only with your kids, but with everyone else you meet.”

Mary Cantando
Author, National Magazine Columnist, Coach & Parent/Grandparent!
"There are so many books about how to parent infants and toddlers. Everyone has advice for those just becoming parents but as our children get older and the challenges of parenting more complex, this advice and support dwindles. I have so many friends who come to me asking for advice on parenting school aged, pre-teen and teenagers. There hasn't been any website, blog, Facebook page or book that I felt confident to direct these parents to...until now! Laid out in an easy to read relatable style, Parenting...With A Twist addresses real life challenges we all face as parents. The author, Amber Scotchburn, shares personal accounts of parenting challenges and solutions as a teacher, tutor and parent using curiosity rather than discipline as your guide. Parenting...With A Twist suggests mindfulness techniques that both parents and children can use in real life scenarios. It’s almost impossible to explain with clarity and simplicity the way to parent but this books does that. Parenting...With A Twist is a must read for all parents!”

Jessica MacLean
Police Officer, Host to Variety of Facebook Parenting Groups & Mother of 4 Beautiful Children!
“I became a parent at twenty years old. Then, a single Mom of two kids at twenty-three years old. In 1982, Dr. Spock’s book, friends and family were the only ‘manual’ I had to be a parent. I grew up in broken homes with no ideal role models. I raised my kids the best I could with what I had. Having Amber’s book in my hands back then would have been a game changer for not only my children, but myself. From parenting, leadership, setting goals, money and mindset, Amber covers it all! As a Grandmother of five, the tips and techniques that Amber shares from her own experience with her children, and as an educator for over twenty years gets me excited! It’s not too late for this book to still be a game changer for me with my grandkids. I have also put this book in the hands of my children to help them be the best parents they can be. I believe that this book should in the hands of teachers, daycare, pre-school and anyone that has relationships with children. Thank you Amber. You are a trail blazer and will make a difference in thousands of childrens and parents lives!”

Shari Molchan
Financial Advisor, Visionary Coach, Inspirational Speaker & Parent/Grandparent!
“Elastic Bands! The song Kumbaya! Stop Signs! What do these have in common? We all know them -- did you know these are parenting tricks too? I sure didn’t, not until I read parenting expert, Amber Scotchburn’s newest book, Parenting...With A Twist: 12 Positive Parenting Tips for Raising Confident & Success-Ready Children. I love the way vestiges of our ‘past’ have been Twisted into the ‘now’, becoming practical and very modern supportive parenting tips. There are other parenting books out there but this one stands out from the rest. The strategies are simple, filled with common sense and always give you the ‘why’ of children (and adults) behave the way they do. “Let’s raise a child that won’t have to recover from their childhood.” This amazing quote from Pam Leo is referenced in the book! Grab a copy of this book, pour a cup of tea, and read, read, read! I promise you that parenting will be a much happier activity. You’ll also feel more confident in the way you are preparing your child for their future.”

Pamela Chatry
Coach, Trainer, Keynote Speaker & Parent!
“I remember my feeling of helplessness as my daugher, Deanna, had a major meltdown at the local grocery store and thinking to myself -- 'I wish she came with a handbook.’ I had known what to expect when I was expecting, but that was the easy part. Now with my daughter wailing with such determination that I was sure security was going to come and cart me away to children’s services, I seriously wished that someone would have written a book to guide me through the rest of this perilous expedition called motherhood—after the ‘expecting' part. And as Deanna got older, I had no idea how much pressure I should apply for her to excel in school. Should I defend the teacher and instill respect for authority when there was a conflict—even when I knew that she was right? And what should I do about my son who has a genius IQ and absolutely no interest whatsoever in traditional learning? How could I know what was an appropriate level of discipline and what do I do if the behavior that warrants discipline is something they modeled from me or my husband? And when they were teens, I never knew how much I should be listening and how much I should be talking. Wasn’t I the one that was supposed to have the answers? In other words, where was Amber Scotchburn when I needed her?”

Debra Poneman
Author, Speaker, Coach & Parent!
"In Parenting…With A Twist, Amber Scotchburn offers a breakthrough approach to parenting. She shows you how to become conscious of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions which helps you to raise your ‘parenting set point'. By nourishing our own inner-selves we become better people and thus better role-models for these special children who have been born to make this planet a better place.”

Marci Shimoff
NY Times Bestselling Author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason