The Netflix Series, 13 Reasons Why, revolves around a 17 year old, Hannah Baker, who takes her own life. She leaves behind 13 audio recordings outlining 13 reasons why she made the decision to end her life. People of all ages are binge-watching the Series, as only one can with Netflix ;)! In its first week alone, there were 3,585,110 tweets about the Series. Proof that people are watching it and then, posting about it! School Districts across North America are warning parents of this series and suggesting that people don’t watch it, as they feel it glorifies suicide.

I’d like to take a different perspective and actually invite you to watch it with eyes wide OPEN. This episode talks more about addiction with expert and author Lorelie Rozzano. We are answering the questions:

  1. Why would someone use?
  2. What are the signs of use?
  3. How is addiction linked to suicide?
  4. What can we do know that we know this?

I’d love to continue to hear from you! And for the rest of the videos, check out our Parenting With A Twist​ facebook page!

In Nanaimo, there is:
Edgewood​ 1-888-477-0837

Walk-In Counselling Clinic at Brooks Landing
2000 Island Hwy N, Nanaimo, BC V9S 5W3

Across Canada, there is:
Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service (ADIRS) 1-800-663-1441

National Hopeline Network:
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

310Mental Health Support 310-6789 (no area code needed)

Kid’s Help Phone 1-800-668-6868

Categories: addiction, Depression, high risk behavior, Parenting...With a Twist, Suicide, teens, Thirteen Reasons Why