The Netflix Series, 13 Reasons Why, revolves around a 17 year old, Hannah Baker, who takes her own life. She leaves behind 13 audio recordings outlining 13 reasons why she made the decision to end her life. People of all ages are binge-watching the Series, as only one can with ..Continue Reading
Amber Scotchburn was recently interviewed by Dave Graham on 88.5FM The Beach radio station, discussing the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why”. This Netflix show has become popular among teens and tweens, and has everyone talking. In this prequel to Amber’s next series of Podcasts titled “13 Reaons Why…Not”, Amber shares her ..Continue Reading
I would like to invite you to think of yourself as the coach of a team. In this case, your family is your team. This podcast reviews with you how a good coach manages their team and will help you successfully manage your family — the most important team you ..Continue Reading
Would you agree that every child goes into school wanting to be successful? Yet, the system is primarily set up for perfection and not for learning from your miss takes. (Yes we spelled miss stakes like that on purpose.) A grade is simply a marker of where a student is ..Continue Reading
We typically spend over 13 years years in school. Sadly, as we’ve learned, you will need to supplement your child’s education (and your own) in order to make your child (and yourself) success-ready! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS
We spend more time going to school and work than doing anything else in life. Both should be motivating and energizing. Let’s set your child up for success by teaching them how to get prepared for the “real” world! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | ..Continue Reading
What if learning and trying were synonymous with success in school? What if we were graded on the ability to come back from a failed attempt? What if we were graded on our ability to make connections between our passions and our most hated school subject? Let’s change our concept ..Continue Reading
There isn’t a course in school called “How We Learn” yet all day, every day at school, children are supposed to be learning. We believe that for a child to have success at school and in life, they need to learn how their brain works!–Reflection.mp3Podcast: Play in new window ..Continue Reading
Would you like your child to leave home only to return to live with you until they are 34 years of age? Do you try to control your children? Do you have chores, non-negotiables, natural consequences, and family rules defined for your house? What currency can you use of your ..Continue Reading
Do you treat your child like a robot that turns on when when you press a button or re-boots because you press a series of buttons? Do you look in the mirror and thank yourself for how your children behave? Do you have more debits or credits in the relationship ..Continue Reading